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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 2, 2020

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for spring 2020 review:

New Courses:
ATS 322 Art Therapy Methods and Materials. Prerequisite: ATS 320. Prerequisite for ATS minors: ATS 320 and one visual art course, or instructor permission. Development of a practical understanding of utilizing art media for therapeutic purposes. Exploration of methods used by professional art therapists with varied client populations and settings. Art experiential work, didactic material, and case examples highlight the properties and effects of visual art media as these relate to the therapy goals of individuals and groups. Offered every semester, beginning spring 2021.

COM 447 Communication Data Analytics. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. Communication research, software application, and legal and ethical exploration of the use of social media data and open digital data in journalism, media management, marketing, public relations, and advertising. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2021.

COM 547 Data Analytics for Strategic Communication. Prerequisite. Graduate standing. Communication research and software application–based investigation of data analytics in strategic communication, including its role in marketing, the media, public relations and advertising, and audience targeting, and its legal and ethical implications. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2020.

MUS 608 Graduate Jazz Styles and Analysis. Prerequisite: Admission to the master of music in music education program. Study and analysis of jazz music from 1900 to 1960. With an emphasis on listening, transcribing, analyzing, performing, improvising, and composing, students develop a comprehensive understanding of jazz standard repertoire and performance practice. Offered occasionally, beginning fall 2020.

MUS 645 Including Students with Autism in Music Classrooms and Ensembles. Prerequisite: Admission to the master of music in music education program. Foundation of knowledge related to successfully including students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in music classrooms and ensembles. Includes discussion of strategies that facilitate participation, music skill development, and student enjoyment. Class format includes reading, research, and collaborative lessons designs. Addresses similarities with typical peers as well as challenges for students with ASD related to sensory, behavior, and social challenges that can impede positive inclusion experiences. Offered occasionally, beginning fall 2020.

Course Revision:
EXE 521 Curricular and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities. Prerequisite: EXE 500; Corequisite: EXE 519. Preparation of special education teacher candidates to identify and adapt developmentally appropriate curricular and instructional strategies in key content areas (e.g., reading) to address individualized needs of students with high incidence disabilities. Offered every semester, beginning spring 2021.
