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From the President

Posted: Monday, April 12, 2021

Committee Mapping Project

I have charged the President’s Institutional Innovation Advisory Council (IIAC) with conducting a Committee Mapping Project. The purpose of this project is to gather information on all campus committees, subcommittees, task forces, councils, and other appointed groups to identify how they function both independently and together to advance the mission of Buffalo State College. The goal is to improve committee structures, eliminate duplication of work, ensure diverse and inclusive campus representation, and enhance overall efficiency.

An electronic form will be sent to all deans and vice presidents today, April 12, to distribute to chairs of divisional, campuswide, departmental, and shared governance committees (including ad hoc), task forces, councils, and subcommittees with a request that committee chairs complete the form by Friday, April 30. The IIAC will follow up as needed with committee chairs and members throughout spring and summer 2021 to collect additional information.

In the fall, we will present the results of the Committee Mapping Project to the campus community to inform discussion and planning and to further improve our committee structures and efficacy. Thank you for your cooperation.
