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Today's Message

Posted: Thursday, December 23, 2021

New York State Deferred Compensation Plan Educational Webinar

The New York State Deferred Compensation Plan will host an educational enrollment webinar on Tuesday, December 28, at 10:00 a.m. for all employees who wish to attend. The NYSDCP, also known as a 457(b) plan, is a supplemental retirement plan designed to help state and local public employees achieve their retirement savings goals and help bridge any potential financial gap in retirement. You may contribute to the NYSDCP in place of or in addition to a 403(b) plan. Please join My Meetings from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You may also schedule an individual appointment.

The enrollment webinar will explain the benefits of enrolling and participating in the NYS Deferred Compensation 457(b) Retirement Plan and how it can help you better prepare for and live in retirement. The presentation will cover the basics of investing, investment options, pre-tax contributions, and the easy and secure online enrollment process.

Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app.

Join with a video conferencing device.
Video conference ID: 118 130 561 2
Alternate VTC instructions

Phone in (audio only)
(917) 983-6123
Phone conference ID: 701 784 004#

Submitted by: Lisa L. Gemmati