Posted: Wednesday, November 10, 2021Textbook Adoptions Overdue for J-Term and Spring 2022 Semesters
With the end of the fall semester quickly approaching, we need to place textbook adoptions for the J-Term and spring 2022 semesters. Currently only 35 percent of the needed textbook adoptions for the spring semester have been completed. We are already getting book orders and phone calls with questions about J-Term and spring 2022 books from students who are anxious to get their course materials in a timely fashion.
Getting your textbook adoptions in early helps us provide students with the best cost options for books and helps us ensure that we have books ready on or before the first day of classes.
Also please be mindful of the delay in shipping and book production over the past year that can cause a delay in our receiving the required textbooks, especially any custom books that are print on demand.
Also please note: The textbook manager will be out on maternity leave before the beginning of the spring 2022 semester, which will leave our textbook department short-staffed. Any progress in getting adoptions in well before the beginning of the semester will help in ensuring that books are correct and ordering is not delayed.
Please feel free to reach out to the bookstore with any questions on submitting your adoptions.
Thank you.