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Today's Message

Posted: Monday, April 26, 2021

Update and Maintain Your Office or Department Distribution List

An Outlook distribution list (also called a contact group or contact list) is a single email address that delivers to a designated group of individual email recipients. Distribution lists for Buffalo State College exist for schools, offices, and departments. A single email message sent to one distribution list delivers to the entire group of individuals contained in the list. For example, an email message sent to the Office of Information Technology distribution list will deliver to all individual employees in Information Technology. An email message sent to the Dept of Criminal Justice distribution list will deliver to all individuals in the Criminal Justice Department. Note: distribution lists appear in boldface in the Global Address List and display the two people icon on the left.

Distribution lists are manually created and maintained; therefore, it is up to each department or office to regularly inform Information Technology Services when individual employees should be added or removed from the list. This is extremely important, as email is an official communication channel. You must tell IT when to add new office members or to delete those who have moved to other departments or separated from service at Buffalo State College.

To remove or add an individual to your office directory, please complete the IT Service Request: Department/Office Email Distribution List – Update Membership.

If you are requesting an update to the office list because someone has separated from the college, please also complete the IT Service Request for separated employees. If you’re completing the request because you have a new employee, you may wish to also review the IT Service Request for Onboarding New Employees.

Submitted by: Melissa J. Miszkiewicz
Also appeared:
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Wednesday, April 28, 2021