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From the President

Posted: Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Please Help Us Reach Our SEFA/United Way Campaign Goal

We are in the final stretch of our State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA)/United Way Campaign, and we need everyone’s help to meet our $100,000 campaign goal. Buffalo State College has a long-standing tradition of community involvement and support, and one way we demonstrate our commitment to our neighbors and region is through our participation in the annual SEFA Campaign.

This year, the campaign theme is “We Are SEFA.” And since we are SEFA, we are counting on you!

The Buffalo State community can take pride in the leadership position we hold within SUNY’s SEFA/United Way Campaign. Our campus holds the distinction of giving more to SEFA/United Way than any other SUNY college—by far. In fact, we have a higher rate of participation than any other SUNY campus. Your contribution can help us maintain this status. Let’s keep this going!

This year, we are urging faculty and staff members to use the e-pledge system. To do so, simply go to the SEFA online pledge site and click on “Forgot User ID or Password” to begin the process. Of course, if you prefer, a pledge card is available through your department’s SEFA ambassador or by contacting campus campaign coordinator Maria Garrity, senior systems programmer, 878-3570; or campaign chair Tom Koller, senior associate athletics director, 878-6514.

For your convenience, a list of SEFA-supported agencies (PDF, 3.7 MB) can be found on the SEFA website. The United Way of Buffalo and Erie County is one of the many organizations listed. A gift to its critical core areas of education, income, and wellness would be used where the need is greatest. 

Please join me as we make this final push to meet our goal in this important community-wide effort and make your contribution to SEFA/United Way through Buffalo State College today. Thank you.

Also appeared:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Thursday, November 21, 2019