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Posted: Thursday, October 24, 2019

Professional Development Workshop: 'Facilitating Conflict Resolution' - November 14

Please join us for the professional development workshop "Facilitating Conflict Resolution," presented by Susan Woods (PDF, 291 KB), managing partner for Henderson Woods LLC, on Thursday, November 14, from 9:00 a.m. to noon in Chase Hall 109.

Understanding how to respond to conflict is essential for leadership, especially when the tension involves others in the department or on a committee. How leaders respond can lead to mutual problem-solving and workplace improvement or to continued antagonism and disruption. Ignoring the tension, taking sides, or imposing a solution can make matters worse. Often leaders find themselves in a position of helping others have the conversation they are not able to have by themselves. This session introduces a common-sense three-phase process for diffusing tension and guiding others in conflict toward mutual solution-finding. We will explore strategies and techniques for leadership’s role in facilitating workplace conflict resolution and maintaining a culture of collegiality.

The session will present a process for facilitating conflict resolution and informal mediation. The design is participatory, combining practical application through the use of case simulations with self-reflective learning. Leaders will be invited to share observations on their experiences facilitating conflict resolution.

Participants will learn to

  • use an interest-based, collaborative process to facilitate conflict resolution;
  • redirect adversarial conflict to promote mutual solution-finding;
  • create safety for dialogue to surface concerns and reveal missing information;
  • use questions to move parties in conflict beyond self-focused stories to mutual purpose and mutual respect;
  • assist parties in conflict to reframe issues as mutual problem-solving questions;
  • recognize and avoid common missteps in facilitating conflict resolution.

Light refreshments will be provided. Please register through the Workshop Registration System.

Submitted by: Rebecca M Eggleston
Also appeared:
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Thursday, November 7, 2019