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Posted: Monday, October 21, 2019

Conversations in and out of the Disciplines - 'Moving toward Equity in Higher Education: Perspectives for Faculty, Staff, and Students to Challenge Norms and Encourage Change' - October 25

The 2019–2020 “Conversations in and out of the Disciplines” series kicks off this Friday, October 25, as Heather Maldonado, assistant provost for academic success and visiting associate professor of higher education administration, presents “Moving toward Equity in Higher Education: Perspectives for Faculty, Staff, and Students to Challenge Norms and Encourage Change.” The talk, followed by a brief Q&A, will begin at 3:00 p.m. in Ketchum Hall 320. A short wine and cheese reception will follow. Everyone is welcome.

Please also mark your calendars for the second talk of the fall semester, when Leigh Duffy, assistant professor of philosophy, will present “Is Anything Possible? No! But It Doesn't Matter” at 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 22, in Ketchum Hall 320.

Finally, stay tuned for more information about our upcoming talks this spring, which will include presentations by Fiona Beckett, assistant professor of art conservation; Jevon Hunter, Woods-Beals Endowed Chair in Urban Education in the School of Education, and interim chair of the Social and Psychological Foundations of Education and Adult Education departments; and Kristen Pastore-Capuana, assistant professor of English.

The “Conversations” series was started over a decade ago by Ann Colley, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emerita of English, to “celebrate and draw attention to the research being done in various departments at Buffalo State College.” Over the last decade, colleagues from Anthropology, Art Conservation, Art History, Biology, Chemistry, English, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, and Secondary Education, among others, have shared their work with the Buffalo State and Buffalo communities.

Submitted by: David N Ben-Merre
Also appeared:
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019