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Posted: Thursday, February 14, 2019

Professional Development Workshop: 'Catch Up on Sleep and Reduce Stress' - February 26

Please join us for the professional development workshop "Catch Up on Sleep and Reduce Stress," presented by Jessica Fitzpatrick, assistant professor of social work, on Tuesday, February 26, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in Chase Hall 109.

Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that has the power to transform, heal, and rejuvenate you at core levels: 30 minutes is equivalent to three hours of sleep! Through the use of body sensing, breath awareness, guided imagery, and other practices, participants are systematically guided on a journey through each level of their whole being called the koshas.

Anyone can do Yoga Nidra; no movement is required. Participants lie in Savasana on their mat or sit comfortably for the meditation.

You will need a yoga mat and a blanket. You may want to bring an eye mask and additional blankets to act as a cushion under your head or a bolster under your knees. Feel free to bring a towel if you do not have a yoga mat.

Light refreshments will be provided. Please register through the Workshop Registration System.

Submitted by: Rebecca M Eggleston
Also appeared:
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019