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From the President

Posted: Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Response to College Senate Recommendation: SUNY Buffalo State Assessment Principles

At its May 11, 2018, meeting, the College Senate voted to forward the following recommendation to the president for review and consideration: 

Drafted by the College Senate Academic Plan Committee.
Introduced at the April 13, 2018, College Senate meeting.
Presented for discussion and vote at the May 11, 2018, College Senate meeting. 

Fostering and furthering of student success must be at the core of any assessment process. As such, the following principles are recommended for high-quality student and programmatic assessment: 

1. SUNY Buffalo State’s assessment practices should be guided by our institutional mission, strategic plan, and learning outcomes. Practices should be driven by a desire to improve student learning through a comprehensive campus assessment process. 

2. Assessment is the shared responsibility of all campus constituents (e.g., College Senate, faculty, staff, students, administration) and is to be ethically conducted using intentional methodologies. 

3. Assessment is an ongoing process used to answer meaningful questions, and findings should be broadly shared. This includes measuring the effectiveness of the work of each unit, the progress toward meeting educational outcomes, and providing useful information as a basis for continuous improvement. 

4. Individual units are responsible for assessing themselves and responding to the results of that assessment. 

5. Assessment must not conflict with academic freedom (PDF, 656 KB) or be used for individual faculty or staff performance review.

(Based on AAHE’s Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning) 

I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate and approve the Buffalo State College assessment principles as presented. I charge the provost with the responsibility of communicating these principles to the campus community.
