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Posted: Monday, November 26, 2018

Philosophy Department Fall 2018 Colloquium: 'How Social Recognition Prevents Rectifying Injustices against Black Americans' - December 6

Please join the Philosophy Department for the fall colloquium "How Social Recognition Prevents Rectifying Injustices against Black Americans," ?presented by John R. Torrey, visiting assistant professor of philosophy, on Thursday, December 6, at 12:15 p.m. in Buckham Hall B145.

Black Americans have made many arguments that racial injustices committed against them should be rectified. Two issues arise from these arguments: How should we understand what is it to rectify these injustices? And what can explain why these arguments have not been taken seriously in America? Mr. Torrey argues two things: First, that rectificatory justice, a type of justice specifically designed to set unjust situations right, can explain what it is to rectify those injustices. Second, that how Black Americans are socially recognized affects their ability to receive rectificatory justice.

Submitted by: Lynn K Bennett
Also appeared:
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018