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Today's Message

Posted: Thursday, November 30, 2017

Information Security Awareness: What Is Imgur-

Imgur is a photo-sharing site. The organization suffered a major data breach in 2014 that compromised 1.7 million users. The Imgur breach came to attention through haveibeenpwned? As a registered user, of haveibeenpwned? Buffalo State receives a report when the words “buffalostate” show up in the e-mail of registered users from a breached site (in this case, Imgur, as well as the Bolt file-sharing service). If you have ever used Imgur and the company has not contacted you about the breach, contact the company. But first, change your password to both your Buffalo State account and your Imgur account. And please tell students about this breach, especially Bolt.

What does "breach" mean in this context? It means that if you registered to use Imgur or Bolt, your credentials (e-mail address and password) were likely put on a list somewhere on a website where people can buy them or use them for free. This is why we ask that you use a different password for each account you own. Once someone has your username and password to one account, he or she will try to use it with department stores, banks, airlines, etc. This is how identity theft manifests. Protect yourself at all times.

Submitted by: Melissa J Miszkiewicz
Also appeared:
Friday, December 1, 2017