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Posted: Monday, November 6, 2017

Faculty Workshop: 'Understanding Scholarly Impact' - November 8

Butler Library will offer a workshop for faculty members, "Understanding Scholarly Impact," on Wednesday, November 8, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Professional Development Center, Butler Library 181B. This session will provide a solid overview of scholarly impact to give you insight into this important field in academics. Wherever you are in your academic career, understanding scholarly impact can help you decide where to publish, help you see the impact of your publications, and help you explain the importance of scholarship to your students.

Please register through Butler Library's Workshops for Faculty page. This page also allows faculty members to request on-demand workshops on a variety of topics. Discover more about what the library has to offer and how librarians can help you in your research and in your classroom. Please contact Leah Galka, academic outreach and engagement librarian, or call the Butler Library Reference Desk at 878-6300 with questions.

Submitted by: Leah M Galka
Also appeared:
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Wednesday, November 8, 2017