Today's Message
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017Mock Trial Weekend: February 11-12
Buffalo State will host the American Mock Trial Association 2017 Great Lakes Regional Tournament on Saturday and Sunday, February 11 and 12. The college will accommodate nearly 300 guests representing 24 teams from 16 colleges and universities throughout the Northeast. There are two trial sessions each day, with local attorneys presiding as judges. Faculty and staff members who are familiar with the mock trial experience and those with a solid background in evaluating oral presentations may be interested in serving as scoring judges for a session. Volunteers are needed for short-term tasks such as welcoming and directing guests, tabulating results, and posting notices. All activities will be held in the Science and Mathematics Complex. Please contact Jon Lines, lecturer in the Political Science Department, or Kelly Boos, executive assistant to the dean of the School of Natural and Social Sciences, to volunteer or for more details.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Wednesday, February 8, 2017