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Posted: Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Call for Proposals: NEH Summer Stipends

From the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities
The National Endowment for the Humanities invites applications for 2018 Summer Stipends to support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months. Eligible projects usually result in articles, monographs, books, digital materials and publications, archaeological site reports, translations, or editions. Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development; however, projects must not result solely in the collection of data; instead they must also incorporate analysis and interpretation. 

Summer Stipends are awarded to individual scholars. Organizations are not eligible to apply.

The NEH encourages the submission of applications from independent scholars and faculty members at Hispanic-serving institutions, historically black colleges and universities, and tribal colleges and universities.

Nominating Procedures and Timetable
Faculty members teaching full time at colleges or universities must be nominated by their institution’s nominating official* to apply for a Summer Stipend. Each college and university in the United States and its jurisdictions may nominate two faculty members. Any faculty member is eligible for nomination. Ben Christy, dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, will serve as Buffalo State’s nominating official. The academic deans will appoint a faculty committee to review proposals and recommend two nominees.

Please submit your proposal draft via e-mail to Dean Christy by Monday, August 21, 2017. Buffalo State applicants will be informed of their nomination status by Thursday, August 31. Nominees will submit their applications via The NEA submission deadline is Wednesday, September 27.

Please direct questions to Dean Christy, 878-6326. More information is available on the NEH website.


*The following individuals may apply without a nomination: 

  • independent scholars not affiliated with a college or university; 
  • college or university staff members who are not faculty members and will not be teaching during the academic year preceding the award tenure; 
  • community college faculty; 
  • emeritus faculty; and 
  • adjunct faculty, part-time faculty, and applicants with academic appointments that terminate by the summer of the award tenure.
Also appeared:
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Tuesday, July 18, 2017