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From the President

Posted: Thursday, September 29, 2016

Strategic Enrollment Steering Committee

I am pleased to announce the following appointments to the 2016–2017 Strategic Enrollment Steering Committee (SESC):

Chair: Erin Alonzo, Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management
Vice Chair: Karen O’Quin, Associate Dean, School of Natural and Social Sciences

David Cox, Director, New Student and Family Programs
Abdollah Hajikandi, Assistant Director for Academic Services, EOP
David Henry, Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading
Kimberly Jackson, Assistant Dean for Strategic Enrollment Management, Graduate School (Primary Graduate School Representative)
Mary-Jo Jagord, Director, Alumni Affairs
Marguerite Knowles, Associate Professor, Communication
Eric Krieg, Chair and Professor, Sociology
Kevin Miller, Interim Dean, Graduate School (Alternate Graduate School Representative)
Margaret Shaw-Burnett, Associate Vice President, Continuing Professional Studies
Carmela Thompson, Director, Undergraduate Admissions
James Thor, Associate Vice President and Comptroller
Amitra Wall, Assistant Dean, University College; Chair, Political Science
Timothy Walsh, Associate Vice President, College Relations
Rita Zientek, Associate Dean, School of the Professions

Ex Officio: Hal Payne, Vice President for Student Affairs
Ex Officio: Melanie Perreault, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

The SESC serves in an advisory role to the president and will address the following strategic enrollment issues:

  1. Recommend strategies that meet long-term and short-term enrollment goals
  2. Provide advice on enrollment targets that provide an advantageous mix of undergraduate, graduate, and special populations that maintain the overall enrollment goal set by the President’s Cabinet
  3. Develop innovative and effective strategies to enhance recruitment and retention of students
  4. Plan strategic enrollment growth to meet regional and statewide needs
  5. Develop and propagate plans that are consistent with the mission and values of the college
  6. Review the results of new programs and policies that enhance recruitment and enrollment efforts
  7. Report regularly to the president and the cabinet and submit an annual report of the work of the committee