From the Chief Diversity Officer
Posted: Monday, July 6, 2015'Panorama Hispano News' Added to Recruitment Form
Effective July 1, 2015, the Panorama Hispano News will be added (in addition to the Challenger and the Rocket) to the recruitment form as part of our required posting practices.
This bilingual monthly publication, reaching areas in and surrounding Buffalo, Rochester, Dunkirk, and Erie (Pennsylvania), is part of an effort to expand Buffalo States recruitment to all facets of the Buffalo community and our growing Hispanic population.
An eighth-of-a-page black-and-white print ad (5 1/16" x 3 7/8") costs a very reasonable $180 and includes web and social media outreach on Facebook. The same ad in color costs $235.
The motion, recommended by me, was approved by the Presidents Cabinet on June 22, 2015.
Also appeared:
Tuesday, July 7, 2015