Today's Message
Posted: Monday, March 2, 2015'A Snowvember to Remember: Reporting on the Storm' - April 2
Meteorologist Aaron Mentkowski and reporter Matt Bove, both from WKBW-TV, will present "A Snowvember to Remember: Reporting on the Storm" on Thursday, April 2, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in Classroom Building A209. Along with a brief presentation on the storm’s meteorology by Stephen Vermette, professor of geography and planning, Mentkowksi and Bove will recount those four days in November when our region was smothered by back-to-back lake-effect snow events—events that "kept on giving" to the tune of seven feet. They will also discuss the many challenges associated with reporting during the storm. You'll find this a compelling story no matter which side of the "Wall of Snow" you found yourself on.
This WxBUFFWarn event is sponsored by the Faculty-Student Association, the Geography and Planning Department, and the Arthur W. Gielow Meteorology Fund.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015