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Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2008

Response to College Senate Resolution: Writing Across the Curriculum

From the President
At its November 14, 2008, meeting, the College Senate voted to approve and forward the following motion to the president for review and action:

Motion Regarding Writing Across the Curriculum Criteria in Intellectual Foundations

WHEREAS, it has been determined that there is much confusion and uncertainty regarding the requirements for approval, syllabus construction, and instruction of a Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) course; and

WHEREAS, the recent assessment of the WAC program revealed a campuswide need for re-articulation and dissemination of information about program guidelines, which have been in effect since their implementation in fall 1987,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existing college guidelines (2007–2009 Undergraduate Catalog pp. 27–28) for the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Requirement be revised as follows:

Writing Across the Curriculum Requirement
Writing represents a critical component of the educational process, and the integration of writing into all types of courses across the curriculum is widely encouraged. In particular, the college has established a two-course (2- to 6-credit-hour) Writing Across the Curriculum requirement for all students to enhance and reinforce basic writing skills learned in CWP 101 and CWP 102, or their approved equivalents.

Taking two Writing Across the Curriculum (W) courses or their major department’s WAC alternative satisfies this requirement. Some departments have established an alternative method specific to their program whereby their majors may satisfy the Writing Across the Curriculum requirement. Students should consult their major department for requirements. The (W) courses or the departmental alternative requirements must be completed at Buffalo State College and are not transferable from other institutions.

Writing-to-learn techniques shall be utilized in all W courses and in alternative WAC implementation models.

For all (W) courses and for courses taken together in alternative implementation models:

(1) Students must be given both formal and informal writing assignments; (2) students must be given constructive and prompt feedback on their writing and be required to respond to said feedback through rewriting and resubmission of writing assignments; (3) writing shall constitute a significant portion of coursework and evaluation; and (4) successful completion of CWP 102 or its equivalent shall be a prerequisite. Every piece of formal writing submitted as part of the requirement should allow students to demonstrate:

  • Clearly stated purpose/main idea/thesis.
  • Adequate support/proof/development of main idea.
  • Clear and logical organization of information.
  • Complete sentences including standard usage of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Correct documentation (interior documentation, references, and/or bibliography) in a format appropriate to the field.
  • Evidence of critical thinking.


I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate and approve the revisions of the existing college guidelines for the Writing Across the Curriculum requirement. I charge the provost with the responsibility of implementing the revisions in all appropriate college documents and communicating this information to students, faculty, and staff.
