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Posted: Thursday, October 8, 2009

Response to Senate Recommendation

From the Interim President
At its September 11, 2009, meeting, the College Senate voted to forward to the interim president for approval and action a recommendation to further modify the policy on “Course Load” in the 2007–2009 Undergraduate Catalog. A policy modification was approved by the president on December 11, 2008, to read as follows:

Course Load
The average course load for undergraduates is 15–16 credit hours a semester. Should a matriculated student desire to register for more than 19 hours, the approval of the appropriate academic adviser must be secured. Students in majors should consult with their faculty adviser, and undeclared students not affiliated with EOP, STAR, SSSP, or AIM should consult with the coordinator of the Academic Advisement Office, Twin Rise 100. The student’s academic adviser will review requests for overload. Students on academic probation (below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average) can enroll in a maximum of 15 credit hours. All students should consult with their academic adviser for proper guidance.

The College Senate now recommends that the policy be further modified to read:

Course Load
The average course load for undergraduates is 15–16 credit hours a semester. Should a matriculated student desire to register for more than 19 hours, the approval of the appropriate academic adviser must be secured. Students in majors should consult with their faculty adviser, and undeclared students not affiliated with EOP, STAR, SSSP, or AIM should consult with the coordinator of the Academic Advisement Office, Twin Rise 100. The student’s academic adviser will review requests for overload. Students on academic probation (below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average) can enroll in a maximum of 15 credit hours. All students should consult with their academic adviser for proper guidance.Students seeking an override of the 15-credit-hour limit must make the request of and receive approval from their dean’s office.

I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate and approve the recommendation to further modify the policy on course load outlined in the undergraduate catalog and modified in December 2008. I charge the interim provost with the responsibility of overseeing the implementation of the new policy, effective with course registration for the spring 2010 semester.
