Posted: Thursday, April 10, 2008Erwin Promoted to Senior Associate Vice President
From the Vice President and Chief Information Officer
I am pleased to announce the promotion of Don Erwin to senior associate vice president for information services and systems.
Don has displayed significant leadership in providing effective project planning, management, and oversight of our Banner project. He is also now fully responsible for our partnering and relationship activities with ITEC (Information Technology Exchange Center), SICAS (Student Systems and Administrative Systems) Center, and Sungard Higher Education (Banner).
In addition to these responsibilities, Don has played a major role in the Information Services and Systems (ISAS) governance process, and he will continue to bring considerable strength to its further development. In the absence of the vice president and chief information officer from campus, he will speak for and act on behalf of the vice president and CIO on all major issues and concerns regarding ISAS.
Please join me in welcoming Don to this new role.