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From the President

Posted: Thursday, October 31, 2024

Response to College Senate Recommendation: Adoption of Transportation Fee and NFTA Bus Pass Resolution

At its October 11, 2024, meeting, the College Senate voted to recommend to the interim president the adoption of the following resolution:

WHEREAS, in June 2024, the SUNY chancellor approved a 4.0 percent increase in broad-based fees for 2024/2025; and

WHEREAS, Buffalo State reduced the undergraduate transportation fee from $110 to $80 (27 percent decrease) as part of the overall changes to 2024/2025 broad-based fees; and

WHEREAS, Buffalo State made the decision to remove the partially subsidized NFTA Metro Bus and Rail passes from the undergraduate transportation fee due to rising costs of service and declining ridership; and

WHEREAS, undergraduate students received limited communications about the removal of the NFTA Metro Bus and Rail passes, including the “2024/2025 Broad-Based Fee Student Consultation” video sent to all students on August 6, 2024, and the “Obtaining an NFTA MetGo Card through Buffalo State University” email sent to 2,237 students on August 12, 2024; and

WHEREAS, students who relied on the NFTA to commute to campus, work, internships, and student teaching were left with an unexpected financial burden; and

WHEREAS, there has been zero communication to faculty and staff by email or the Daily Bulletin regarding the removal of NFTA bus passes from the transportation fee,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Buffalo State use several communication methods, including email (e.g., Bengal Buzz), social media, websites, flyers, and word-of-mouth, to inform undergraduate students of the availability of a Bus Pass Appeal Program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Buffalo State analyze campus shuttle service data and survey undergraduate students to determine expanded service options such as to NFTA transfer stops or to Elmwood Avenue shopping centers; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Buffalo State review student parking policies; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Buffalo State communicate an update to faculty and staff in the Daily Bulletin regarding the recent changes to the transportation fee and short-term solutions for students.

I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate regarding the adoption of the Transportation Fee and NFTA Bus Pass Resolution, and I authorize the interim vice president for financial management to make the changes listed above as soon as possible. I also direct the interim vice president for financial management to communicate these changes to the campus as appropriate. I thank the Student Welfare Committee for its work in developing this recommendation.
