From the President
Posted: Thursday, March 7, 2024Response to College Senate Recommendation: Revision to DOPS Policy on Transfer Students
At its December 8, 2023, meeting, the College Senate voted to forward a recommendation to the interim president proposing a revision to DOPS Policy I:01:05 to align with SUNY transfer language:
WHEREAS, students transferring to Buffalo State University with an A.A. or A.S. degree waive most of the SUNY general education requirements (i.e., Diversity is still needed); and
WHEREAS, the SUNY transfer pathways courses will transfer as recommended from one SUNY institution to another; and
WHEREAS, each department at Buffalo State University can decide on transfer credit acceptance for its respective majors; and
WHEREAS, if students wish to dispute additional transfer credits, or where it is applied, they must follow the official appeal process at Buffalo State University and include relevant supporting documents, such as course descriptions and syllabi; and
WHEREAS, students whose campus-based appeals (at Buffalo State University) are denied may appeal to SUNY by the SUNY procedural guidelines,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Transfer Students DOPS Policy I:01:05 be amended to include the SUNY procedural guidelines for an additional appeal process to ensure a smooth transition for transfer students.
I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate to amend the Transfer Students DOPS Policy I:01:05 to include the SUNY procedural guidelines. I charge the interim provost and the vice president for enrollment management with overseeing the implementation of this amendment and communicating it widely to the appropriate offices and individuals. I thank the Standards for Students Committee and its chair for their diligence in bringing forth this recommendation.