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Posted: Thursday, March 13, 2008

Banner to Become System of Record in Late May

The Banner Implementation Project reports that Banner will not become the “official system of record” on March 24 as planned, and that the next implementation window will occur the weekend of May 31–June 1.

Don Erwin, associate vice president for information services and systems and Banner project manager, said, “While we would like to have completed the cutover by the end of March, we can’t make the switch unless we are confident that the system, the data, and our users are ready. Our next opportunity is the last weekend in May.”

To date, the Banner Implementation Project has successfully completed most of its Phase 1 objectives, including implementation of Banner’s financial aid, student accounts, registration, and undergraduate admissions components. Left to do? Launch the graduate admissions component and replace STARS, making Banner the college’s “official system of record.” STARS will remain the system of record until Banner takes over, and users can expect that data in STARS and other existing data sources (i.e., student work file) will be maintained until the cutover.

According to Erwin, “Although we are disappointed, we know that this gives end users some extra time to prepare for using Banner as the single source of student information.”

Banner, made by SunGard, is used nationwide and on more than 45 SUNY campuses.

The enrollment management software suite comes with robust standard capabilities and also allows room for advanced custom development. In addition, adopting Banner allows the college to leverage Student Information and Campus Administrative Systems (SICAS) Center licensing discounts and take advantage of SICAS’s attunement to SUNY- and New York State-specific reporting and financial aid requirements.

Please visit the Banner Project Web site for more information on Banner, including a complete list of features, the team’s production schedule, and a project Q&A.