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Posted: Thursday, February 14, 2008

University Policy on Fees, Charges, and Deposits

University policy prohibits the assessment of general science fees, laboratory fees, and fees for course materials, i.e., texts and/or supplies. These fees are prohibited, as university tuition guarantees students access to the facilities and supplies considered necessary for their courses. However, campuses may establish deposits in science courses requiring laboratory work as collateral against which replacement costs for damage may be assessed.

University policy also requires that students purchase supplies and materials necessary for credit-bearing courses at the campus store or other appropriate commercial outlet. When this is not feasible in terms of efficiency, cost containment, or method of distribution, a request may be submitted to establish a course-related fee if students will retain the end product of the laboratory course work, e.g., sculpture/ceramics, photography. Please review your department fee schedule for compliance with university fee policy. Fees not in accordance with the above directives should be discontinued.

Contact James Thor, associate vice president and comptroller, at (716) 878-4117 with questions concerning this policy.
