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Posted: Thursday, February 14, 2008

Response to College Senate Recommendation: President’s Award for Excellence in Faculty and Staff Mentoring

From the President
At its December 14, 2007, meeting, the College Senate voted to forward the following proposal to the president for approval and action:

The President’s Award for Excellence in Faculty and Staff Mentoring

The President’s Award for Excellence in Faculty and Staff Mentoring will be presented annually to a maximum of two individuals—one faculty and one staff member—who demonstrate those qualities associated with outstanding mentoring of new faculty and staff. Good mentoring needs to be recognized as a significant aspect of faculty and staff responsibility within or outside the department. A major goal related to the establishment of these awards is to encourage wider support and recognition of the importance of faculty and staff mentoring at Buffalo State College.

Evaluation of nominees will be based on the evidence of effective mentoring qualities and practices that distinguish each nominee as an outstanding faculty or staff mentor. Individuals nominated must have been full-time faculty or staff members and engaged in mentoring activities at Buffalo State College for a minimum of two academic years prior to nomination.

  1. Demonstration of a strong mentoring relationship with mentee(s).
  2. Accessibility to mentor.
  3. Ability to help the mentee(s) work toward his/her academic and career goals.
  4. Mastery of relevant institutional and departmental regulations, policies, and procedures.
  5. Assistance and support provided to mentee(s) in the mentorship process.
  6. Use of appropriate information sources and referral sources.
  7. Input by students, colleagues, or supervisors of nominee’s mentoring skills.


Individuals may nominate themselves or be nominated by a colleague, department, student, or other member of the college community. A selection committee of four faculty members (one from each of the schools), one librarian, one professional staff member, and two students selected by the provost will recruit and screen nominees and make recommendations to the provost. Nominators will submit to the committee:

  1. Nomination form.
  2. Letter of nomination detailing
    ---- the subjective and/or objective criteria and measurements used to determine that this mentor is eligible for this award;
    ---- the specific characteristics that qualify this mentor for the award and examples of how these characteristics are demonstrated;
    ---- the contributions made to the campus mentorship program as well as to individual mentee growth and development.
  3. Letters of support from colleagues/mentors (maximum of three).
  4. Evaluative statement from chairperson or supervisor.
  5. Letter of support from mentee.
  6. Current vita.

I hereby approve the resolution to establish the President’s Award for Excellence in Faculty and Staff Mentoring and charge the provost with the responsibility of implementing the nomination and selection process for the 2008–2009 academic year.
