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Posted: Thursday, February 7, 2008

Message from the Senate Chair

During the fall 2007 semester, the College Senate experimented with posting a summary of each meeting, along with linked documents, on the Senate Web site. The goal of this posting was to provide members of the Buffalo State College campus community with more timely access to events taking place within the Senate, rather than waiting until the minutes were approved and posted at the subsequent meeting. These materials can be found under the College Senate News section of the Web site. 

For example, in the summary of the November 2007 meeting, a resource was developed, stimulated by the College Senate’s Constituent Questions during the fall 2007 semester, for individuals with computers with the Vista operating system. Documents prepared by Melissa Miszkiewicz and her staff describe how students can make sure the documents that they send to their professors or that they post on Angel can be opened and read.

The spring 2008 semester will include not only the use of these updates but forums on topics that are slated to come before the Senate for a vote during the spring 2008 semester. Please check the forum section of the college Web site (which has been changed to provide easier access via use of NT sign-on rather than the previously required special forum user name/password) or other parts of the Senate site for information or discussions about some or all of the following Senate Action Items (and associated committees):

Representation of graduate students and graduate faculty on the College Senate (Ad Hoc Graduate Issues Committee, Greg Wadsworth, chair); reconsideration of number of required upper-division credits for undergraduates (Instruction and Research Committee, Heather Maldonado, chair); budget analysis and implications (Budget and Staff Allocations Committee, Ted Schmidt, chair); bylaws revisions (Bylaws and Elections Committee, John DeNisco, chair); how to put the “R” (research) back in instruction and research (Instruction and Research Committee, Heather Maldonado, chair).

Elections will be conducted within all units, as appropriate, this semester. The College Senate will elect three at-large senators and one University Faculty Senate (SUNY) senator. Announcements about elections will be forthcoming in early spring. In addition, the Senate will be following bylaws of the Senate Intellectual Foundations Oversight Committee (SIFOC) and conducting a required review of the assistant dean of intellectual foundations, Douglas Koritz. SIFOC is defined as the Review Committee, and the chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee (or designee) is designated as the chair of the Review Committee. Nancy Chicola, chair of the Curriculum Committee, and Gary Solar, senator and current member of the College Senate’s Curriculum Committee, will co-chair the Review Committee. The co-chairs will provide information about the process to be used for the review within the next month.

College Senate meetings will be held in Classroom Building C122 for spring 2008. Leading to the relocation were the improved visibility (e.g., all senators are easily within sight of each other and of the projection screen), as well as overall improved sound quality within the room. All College Senate meetings are open to the entire campus community. The schedule can be found on the College Senate Web site. The rosters of senators andcommittees include contact information. Please share ideas, concerns, and kudos with your senators, and (if your schedule permits) please attend a Senate meeting this semester.
