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Posted: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Upcoming Holidays

Please see the following information on two upcoming holidays with regard to time and attendance rules and expectations.

Election Day
Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Classes will be in session. Offices will be open, and employees will be expected to work. Election Day has been designated as a floating holiday for employees in the CSEA, PEF, UUP, and M/C units. For PBANYS and NYSCOPBA, this is a regular holiday.

Veterans Day
Monday, November 11, 2024

Classes will be in session. Department heads and supervisors should communicate to their classified and professional employees whether they will be required to work on that day.

Department heads and supervisors are encouraged to make every effort to consider requests to have the holiday off for employees who are veterans.

For employees who are required to work, the following state attendance rules will apply:

Classified employees who work on November 11 will be compensated according to their holiday waiver status. Those who have not elected to waive additional money for holiday work will receive holiday pay per their bargaining unit agreements. Employees who waived additional money for holiday work will receive compensatory time off instead of additional holiday pay. Classified employees who wish to inquire about their current holiday waiver status may contact the Payroll Office at (716) 878-4124.

UUP-represented and M/C employees who are eligible to observe holidays and are required to work on November 11 will be granted a compensatory day off. The compensatory day off should be scheduled at a time agreeable to the employee and his or her supervisor within one year of the holiday.

Employees who are not required to work on November 11 do not need to charge leave accruals for that day.

If you have any questions about these holidays, please reference the Human Resource Management website or contact Human Resource Management, (716) 878-4822.

Submitted by: Erika Z. Grande
Also appeared:
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024