Today's Message
Posted: Thursday, April 18, 2024Great Lakes Center Spring 2024 Newsletter
The Great Lakes Center is pleased to release the spring 2024 newsletter (PDF, 809 KB). This issue features our research into round goby density in the Great Lakes, a new record of New Zealand mud snail in Lake Huron, and our collaboration with Swiss researchers on quagga mussels in Europe. We introduce our newest research scientist and a new Great Lakes Faculty Scholars Program. We also have a guest article from some of our GLES graduate students, and a GLES student spotlight.
Each article is also posted separately in our news section:
Newsletter #24: Use of videography to assess round goby densities in the Great Lakes
Newsletter #24: The New Zealand mud snail newly detected in Lake Huron
Newsletter #24: Collaboration on quagga mussel study in Europe
Newsletter #24: Our new Research Scientist
Newsletter #24: Great Lakes Faculty Scholars Program
Newsletter #24: Using soil type and LiDAR to map Eastern hemlock trees
Newsletter #24: GLES student spotlight: Lindsay Piotrowski
If you'd like to be on the mailing list for future editions of the newsletter, please email the GLC.