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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, January 22, 2009

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee

Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:

New Programs:
Minor in International Relations 
Minor in Legal Studies 
Minor in Philosophy 

New Courses:
CRJ 350 Advanced Intelligence Analysis.Prerequisite: CRJ 250. Advanced-level continuation of CRJ 250. Introduces a variety of analytical techniques; provides advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of these techniques; promotes critical thinking and report-writing skills.

CRJ 450 Terrorism and Criminal Justice.Prerequisite: CRJ 101. The phenomenon of terrorism from a criminal justice perspective. The history of the phenomenon and contemporary terrorism in both its domestic and international manifestations; theories about terrorism; analytic methods for investigating and combating it, whether perpetrated by state or non-state actors.

ENT 409 Engineering Sustainability. Prerequisite: ENT 311. Development of guiding principles and concepts for mechanical engineering designs in the areas of energy, transport, material selection, waste, structural change, climate policy, and eco-efficiency; exposure to sustainability problems faced by industry.

MET 605 Early Engineering Internship. Prerequisite: Instructor permission or MET graduate standing.Mechanical engineering internship; ethical manufacturing and design considerations; development of oral and written communication skills; technical/non-technical presentation development; multidisciplinary team environment; techniques for developing and analyzing physical and mathematical models of mechanical and electromechanical systems.

MET 611 Advanced Engineering Modeling.Prerequisite: ENT 314 or instructor permission. Three-dimensional (3-D) parts and assembly creation; mathematical modeling of mechanical and electromechanical systems; parametric modeling; 3-D solid modeling; simulation of prototype behavior; introduction to finite element concepts.

MET 615 Sustainability in Design. Prerequisites: ENT 409 or instructor permission and MET graduate standing.Sustainable manufacturing and its relationship to larger issues of global warming, energy independence, and social impact; sustainable manufacturing practices in for-profit enterprises; continuous improvement using sustainability thinking; techniques and tools for product and manufacturing process design and development; techniques for effective communication about sustainability to internal and external audiences.

MET 620 Managing Engineering. Prerequisite: Instructor permission or MET graduate standing. Cost and time estimating and controlling techniques for projects; evaluation of labor, material, equipment, and subcontract resources; scheduling techniques; earned value concepts; measuring project percent complete; contractual risk allocation; project investment analysis techniques.

MET 630 Lean Manufacturing/Six Sigma.Prerequisite: Instructor permission or MET graduate standing. Students develop a broad understanding of Lean/Six Sigma principles and practices, build capability to implement Lean/Six Sigma initiatives in manufacturing operations, and learn to operate with awareness of Lean/Six Sigma at the enterprise level.

MET 675 Advanced Engineering System Design.Prerequisite: MET 605. Application of design concepts in mechanical engineering; conceptual and detailed design process stages; problem definition; design specifications; categorization of designs; modeling and analysis methods; design optimization; economics; reliability; sustainability; intellectual property; manufacturing considerations in design.

MET 685 Advanced Engineering System Design.Prerequisite: MET 675. Design problem identification and solution development; critical/creative problem solving methods; written/oral presentation and interpersonal communications development; ethical considerations for product design and manufacturing processes; project management strategies.

PHI 601 Ethics in Professional Applied Sciences.Ethical theories and professional ethics in the applied sciences. Ethical reasoning and its application to practical problems. Ethical issues in fields such as computer science, engineering, genetics, and ecology.

SLP 400 Language and Literacy. Prerequisite: SLP 303/329. Connection between language and literacy; similarities and differences between spoken and written language; linguistic components as well as spelling, narratives, and writing as they relate to literacy skills; role of the speech-language pathologist as it pertains to working with children with language-based literacy impairments.

Course Revisions:
ENG 322 Representative Writers. Prerequisite: ENG 190 or instructor permission. Selected works of a single writer or group of related writers. Supplemental readings of other writers of the period.

ENG 335 Medieval and Renaissance European Literature. Prerequisite: ENG 190 or instructor permission. A study of selected themes, ideas, and movements of European literature in the medieval and Renaissance periods.

MAT 103 Introduction to Mathematics. Some of the greatest achievements of mathematical thought, highlighting the beauty and creativity of these ideas. Topics include Fibonacci numbers; the golden rectangle; estimation; comparing infinities; fractals; the Pythagorean Theorem; the five platonic solids; and selected topics from probability and statistics. Designed for liberal arts majors who do not plan to take further math courses.

Course Revisions and Intellectual Foundations Designations:

ANT 301 Indigenous Peoples of Eastern North America. Prerequisite: ANT 100 or instructor permission. Way of life of the original inhabitants of Eastern North America. Reconstructing life during the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries using archaeology, historical documents, and oral tradition (i.e., ethnohistory). Early-seventeenth-century Wendat/Huron, Haudenosaunee/Five Nation Iroquois, and Powhatan confederacies; Cherokee in the mid-nineteenth century; effects of European exploration and colonization; persistence of indigenous Eastern North American peoples in the modern world.

PHY 103 Understanding Sound. The basics of sound, intended for non-science majors. Wave characteristics and behavior, applied to sonic phenomena. Interfaces of sound with humans and society (music, hearing, sound production and recording).

HIS 300W Research and Writing in History Seminar. Prerequisites: ENG 101 and ENG 102. History and Social Studies Education majors only. Recommended before the completion of 45 credit hours. In-depth instruction on the historical methods of research and writing according to the standards of the history profession. Students research, analyze, and interpret historical materials, provide documentation, and communicate lucidly and effectively in writing. Should be taken before enrolling in other upper-division history courses.

MED 407 Student Teaching of Mathematics in Junior High/Middle School. Prerequisites for 0721 and 7055: Completion of MED 308 with a minimum grade of C; completion of MED 300 with a minimum grade of C; GPA of 2.5 in all mathematics courses applied toward the major; all required mathematics classes completed; two elective mathematics courses completed; all professional courses completed with a minimum GPA of 2.5; senior status; and instructor permission. Prerequisites for 0524: Completion of MED 309 with a minimum grade of C; GPA of 2.5 in all mathematics courses applied toward the major; all professional courses completed with a GPA of 2.5; all required mathematics courses completed; senior status; and instructor permission. Supervised teaching experience five full days a week for approximately eight consecutive weeks in an early secondary mathematics classroom. Effective demonstration of content knowledge, pedagogical preparation, instructional delivery, classroom management, knowledge of student development, collaboration with school professionals, and reflectivity of practice required.

MED 408 Student Teaching of Mathematics in High School. Prerequisites for 0721 and 7055: Completion of MED 308 with a minimum grade of C; completion of MED 300 with a minimum grade of C; GPA of 2.5 in all mathematics courses applied toward the major; all required mathematics classes completed; two elective mathematics courses completed; all professional courses completed with a minimum GPA of 2.5; senior status; and instructor permission. Supervised teaching experience five full days a week for approximately eight consecutive weeks in an early secondary mathematics classroom. Effective demonstration of content knowledge, pedagogical preparation, instructional delivery, classroom management, knowledge of student development, collaboration with school professionals, and reflectivity of practice required.


Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:

Program Revision:
M.S.Ed. Childhood and Early Childhood Education, Including Initial Teaching Certification (6212)(new title)

New Course:
SCI 502 Secondary Science Education Teaching: Theory, Content, and Pedagogy

New Course and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
ENG 212 Survey of British Literature III

Course Revision:
CRJ 201 Criminal Law

Course Revisions and Intellectual Foundations Designations:
ENG 241 African American Literature Since 1940

CRJ 303 Criminal Justice Theory and Ideology
CRJ 470 Advanced Seminar in Criminal Justice

ENG 380, appearing in the December 11, 2008, Bulletin,was approved by the president in March 2008.
