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Posted: Thursday, April 8, 2010

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:

New Program:
M.P.A. Master of Public Administration and Nonprofit Management

New Courses:
EDC 611 Television for Education and Training.Prerequisite: EDC 601 or instructor permission. Design, production, and delivery of educational television programs, including (a) instructional design principles and practices relevant to educational television production; and (b) theoretical and technical aspects of television production, such as camera basics, lenses, camera operation, lighting, audio, character-generated (CG) graphics, video recording, scriptwriting, storyboarding, production switching, direction, and software.

EDC 615 Educational Hardware and Software.Prerequisite: EDC 601 or instructor permission. Theory, development, implementation, use, troubleshooting, and maintenance of current and emerging educational hardware (and associated software), including the personal computer, commonly used peripheral equipment, and non-computer-based hardware. Students become proficient in understanding, investigating, building, implementing, using, troubleshooting, and maintaining hardware for their own educational environments (both formal and informal), using a range of methods and tools.

EDC 617 Educational Technology for Informal Learning Environments. Prerequisites: EDC 601 or museum studies graduate program status, and instructor permission. A survey of theories, models, methods, tools, media, resources, and issues relevant to educational exhibit design and development for informal learning environments, such as museums, art galleries, heritage sites, historical societies, cultural arts organizations, national parks, arboretums, science centers, zoos, etc. Students gain knowledge of and experience in the planning, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of developmentally appropriate, interactive products, exhibits, experiences, and programs for diverse audiences in these environments.

EDC 689 Research Methods, Tools, and Writing.Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Fundamentals of educational research and associated writing specifically designed for EDT majors doing their master’s projects. Topics include a review of basic research methods and complementary skills, sources of information, interpretation of research studies, and developing and writing a research paper. Emphasis on understanding and using the components and methods of research studies in education. 

FTT 414 Virtual Fashion. Prerequisite: FTT 208 or instructor permission. Introduction to virtual fashion design in Second Life/Open Sim (virtual world environment) that prepares students to develop a start-up business as a virtual fashion designer in Second Life. Potential students must contact instructor for hardware/software requirements. For each 3 credit hours, students are expected to spend 40 hours per credit in a virtual world setting in addition to assignments and conferences with the faculty member.

GEG 345 Bahamas Field Experience. Prerequisites: Sophomore or higher standing. Ten-day field study of San Salvador, Bahamas. Coral reefs, sand flats, karst landscapes, vegetation, dunes, caves, indigenous peoples, Columbus’s landfall, historic sites, island culture. Emphasis on lab and field activities.

MAT 318 Mathematical Modeling. Prerequisites: MAT 162 and MAT 202. Construction, interpretation, and application of mathematical models; various modeling paradigms such as deterministic, probabilistic, discrete, and continuous modeling. Models that provide valuable insights into contemporary topics from different fields that may include biomedical applications, financial mathematics, cellular automata models, mathematical methods for data collection and analysis in geology, mathematical tools for GIS, and weather prediction.

MAT 319 Mathematical Biology. Prerequisite: MAT 161 with a minimum grade of C, or equivalent. A project-oriented, introductory mathematical modeling course with an emphasis on the construction and analysis of mathematical models of biological events and phenomena. Mathematical topics include matrix algebra, difference and differential equations. Biological topics include population dynamics, dynamics of infectious disease, and models of molecular evolution.

MAT 481 Stochastic Processes. Prerequisite: MAT 325 or MAT 381. Random walks, Brownian motion, Markov chains, continuous-time processes.

MAT 484 Applied Statistics II. Prerequisite: MAT 383.Logistic regression, survival analysis, time series analysis.

MET 605 Early Engineering Internship. Prerequisite: Instructor permission or MET graduate standing.Mechanical engineering internship; ethical manufacturing and design considerations; development of oral and written communication skills; technical/nontechnical presentation development; multidisciplinary team environment; techniques for developing and analyzing physical and mathematical models of mechanical and electromechanical systems.

MET 685 Professional Experience Internship.Prerequisite: MET 675. Design problem identification and solution development; critical /creative problem solving methods; written/oral presentation and interpersonal communications development; ethical considerations for product design and manufacturing processes; project management strategies.

New Courses and Intellectual Foundations Designations:
EXE 420 Practicum in Special Education.Prerequisites: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; EDU 310, EDU 311, EDU 312, EXE 365, EXE 366, EXE 367, and EXE 368, all with a minimum grade of C; and minimum GPA of 2.5 in the major. Practice teaching with students with disabilities in public school classes, private agencies, or residential settings.

MCL 200 Italian Cinema II. Masterpieces of Italian cinema from the 1970s fall of communism to the present. Taught in English.

Course Revisions:
ENS 300 Environmental Case Studies. Prerequisites: Completion of IF natural science requirement and upper-division standing. Environmental literature and case studies on historically important and current environmental issues. Distinctions between facts, opinions, and value judgments to evaluate and judge real situations. Global in scope; social contexts and national and global environmental policies.

ENT 331 Electrical Circuits and Devices.Prerequisite: PHY 112 or equivalent. Basic concepts and components used in electrical circuits, both DC and AC, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers; electrical circuit theorems and their applications in industry; electrical instrumentation and computer analysis tools used in performing laboratory experiments. Required for engineering technology majors.

Course Revisions and Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Designations:

ENT 465 Electrical Design (Writing Across the Curriculum). Please note: This course is requesting only the W designation. Prerequisite: Senior standing.Advanced topics in electrical and system design; the design process and project management; a major design project that includes preliminary analysis, working drawings or schematics, fabrication, and testing of a prototype. Required for electrical engineering technology students.


Advanced to the Interim President
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the interim president for review and approval:

New Program:
Minor in Asian Studies

Program Revision:
B.S. Health and Wellness (0739), BS-NS-HEW

New Courses:
CRJ 355 Crime Analysis
CRJ 440 Drugs, Crime, and Drug Policy

New Course and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
HIS 445 History of Women and Gender in the Middle East

Course Revision:
ENG 452 Studies in Drama


Correction: April 13 , 2010
The original version of this announcement, published April 8, incorrectly recordeCRJ 355 as CRJ 365.
