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Posted: Thursday, April 8, 2010

Response to Senate Resolution: Electronic Archive of Course Proposals

From the Interim President
At its March 12, 2010, meeting, the College Senate voted to forward the following recommendation to the interim president for consideration:

Motion to Request that Departments Electronically Archive Course Proposals
Introduced by College Senate Curriculum Committee on December 11, 2009.

Whereas, all course revision proposals must be accompanied by the current course proposal being revised, and

Whereas, the new Electronic Course Submission (ECS) platform allows for archive folders to be placed in each department, and

Whereas, the College Senate Curriculum Committee has access to the archive folders for each department, and

Whereas, timely approval of course proposals requires that the College Senate Curriculum Committee work groups compare the current course to the proposed course revision, and

Whereas, efficient archiving and retrieval of course proposals at every level—department, school, Senate—has been problematic,

Therefore, be it resolved that the Senate recommend that the administration direct every department to archive proposals of all current courses electronically using the archive folder for the respective departments.

I thank the College Senate for the recommendation to archive all course proposals and hereby direct that any new course proposals moving forward from this date be archived electronically. I charge the provost and the chief information officer with the responsibility of investigating available institutional resources and proposing a plan for archiving existing course proposals that is consistent with those resources by September 2010.
