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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2024

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

New Courses:
COM 403 Digital Sports Journalism
MUS 645 Including Students with Exceptionalities in Music Classrooms, Ensembles, and Studios

Course Revisions:
CIS 151 Computer Programming I (formerly CIS 151 Computer-Based Information Processing I)
CIS 425 Object-Oriented Development
CRJ 604 Criminal Courts
FTT 303 Fashion Illustration I
FTT 308 Fashion Illustration II

Course Reactivation:
PSY 310 Behavior Modification

Change of Status: Program Deactivation:
B.S. Applied Mathematics
Deactivation effective December 31, 2024; Buffalo State will not accept students into the program as of January 1, 2025.


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for review:

Program Revisions:
B.A. English
B.A. International Relations
B.A. Political Science
B.S. Mathematics Education (7–12, 5–6 Extension)
M.P.A Public Administration in Public and Nonprofit Management

New Course:
COM 334 Journalism Broadcast Operation. Prerequisite: COM 312. Hands-on TV studio broadcasting experience in production of magazine format series for television or web, in conjunction with community partners. Student journalists facilitate production of packages and in-studio segments. Introduction to television studio roles and practices. Offered spring semester.

Course Revisions:
ENG 490 Senior Seminar in Literature (formerly ENG 490 Senior Seminar). Prerequisites: ENG 390; major in English, English education, or writing; minor in literary studies or film studies; or instructor permission. Seminar featuring disciplinary research, applied work, and possible careers; focus on advanced skills (such as abstract composition, article publication, conference publication) associated within and outside the discipline. Offered spring semester.

ENG 491 Pathways to Publishing: Manuscript Revision and the Business of Being a Published Writer (formerly ENG 491 Senior Seminar for Writing Majors). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Creating and submitting manuscripts for publication, researching markets, submitting to publishers and agents, PR and marketing, and the practice of being a published author. Offered spring semester.

LIB 300 Advanced Library Research Methods. Prerequisite or corequisite: CWP 101. Advanced academic library research strategies with critical thinking, evaluation, and information literacy skills. Use of contemporary computer applications to locate and organize research resources. Emphasis on selecting and using appropriate sources to conduct and organize specialized research. Open to all students, especially those preparing for graduate studies. Offered annually.

MUS 330 Music Theory III. Prerequisite: MUS 231. Corequisite: MUS 318. Fundamental music theory concepts, formal design, and compositional techniques of the tonal language developed between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries in Western art music. Analysis of classical music repertoire and its influence on contemporary works of pop and jazz. Offered fall semester.

MUS 331 Music Theory IV. Prerequisites: MUS 318 and MUS 330. Corequisite: MUS 319. Theory and analysis of compositional strategies, musical styles, and aesthetic trends rooted in late nineteenth-, twentieth-, and twenty-first-century Western art music. Analysis of seminal twentieth-century music repertoire and its influence on works of pop, jazz, and film music. Offered spring semester.

THA 200 Voice and Movement. Integrated studio/lecture course introducing students to the fundamental principles of healthy voice and movement practices. Physical practice of techniques designed to connect students with their authentic breath and alignment, and to speak and move efficiently and effectively. Through practical exercises, exploratory activities, and theoretical discussions, students develop physical and vocal skills for effective stage performance. Offered annually.

Course Revision with General Education 2023 Designation:
ENG 266 Writing the Personal Essay, Memoir, and Autobiography (formerly ENG 266 The Personal Essay). Introduction to writing in personal forms, including the essay, memoir, and autobiography. Offered fall semester.

CRJ 430 Gender and the Administration of Justice. Prerequisites: CRJ 101, CRJ 303, and senior standing or instructor permission. The mutual effects between gender and aspects of criminal justice, including victimization, criminality, law, the criminal justice process, and the profession. Examination of perspectives on the historical subordination of women and how law and the criminal justice system can be used to ameliorate that subordination. Offered every semester.

HON 303 Diversity Seminar. Prerequisite: Admission to Honors Program. What does it mean to be diverse? How do issues of diversity, including race, ethnicity, gender, class, age, physical ability, cognitive ability, sexual diversity, and religion, affect us? This course explores issues of diversity, and students respond critically to the topics covered in class. Offered every semester.
