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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, March 7, 2024

Curricular Actions

From the Interim President
I have approved the following curricular items, which have been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the interim provost:

New Courses:
EXE 579 Field Experience: Special Education
EXE 581 Practicum in Early Childhood/Childhood Special Education

Course Revisions:
EXE 521 Foundations of Literacy for Students with Disabilities I (formerly EXE 521 Curricular and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities)
EXE 623 Assessment and Instruction in Math for Students with Disabilities (formerly EXE 623 Assessment and Instruction in Math for Students with High Incidence Disabilities)
EXE 638 Collaboration and Social Skills
EXE 690 Master’s Project in Exceptional Education (formerly EXE 690 Master’s Project)

Course Revision with General Education 2023 Designation:
HON 209 World History and Global Studies Seminar (formerly HON 209 Western Civilizations Seminar)


I have approved the following curricular item, which has been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the interim provost. This program must now advance to SUNY System Administration for final review:

Change of Status: Program Deactivation:
Undergraduate Certificate in Mathematical Logic
Deactivation effective December 2023; Buffalo State University will not accept new students into this program as of December 1, 2023.


From the Interim Provost
The following have been submitted to SUNY System Administration for review:

Program Revisions:
B.A. Mathematics
B.A. Music
