From the Vice President for Student Affairs
Posted: Tuesday, December 5, 2023Campus Smoke-Free Policy Reminder
Based on some inquiries and concern from students, faculty, and staff members about the Smoke-Free Policy and enforcement thereof, I am reminding the university about the policy and resources on campus. The policy, which went into effect July 1, 2023, addresses chewing tobacco, cigarettes (traditional and electronic), vaping, and changes to New York State cannabis law. The policy was updated (PDF, 210 KB) in response to changes in New York State laws and can be found in the Administrative Policy Library.
The goal of this policy is to continue to support a safe and healthy campus community. The content and interpretation of the policy are shared with students, faculty, and staff through orientations and electronic and in-person outreach. Weigel Health Center, which can be reached at (716) 878-6711, continues to provide programs, mobile outreach, and web resources to support observance of the policy.
Compliance with the policy is covered by the Student Code of Conduct and, for faculty and staff members, the Administrative Policy Library. The University Police Department is unable to issue citations for violations but is available to assist if the situation warrants.
Should you have concerns about behavior that is not in compliance with the policy as it relates to students, a report can be filed online.
Concerns related to compliance involving members of the staff or faculty should be directed to the employee’s immediate supervisor or Human Resource Management at (716) 878-3042.
Thank you for your support on building a healthier lifestyle for our campus.