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From the Vice President for Student Affairs

Posted: Monday, September 25, 2023

Encourage Students to Share their Experience with Textbook Costs (September 25–October 6)

The division of Student Affairs is conducting a survey in collaboration with several units across campus, including Enrollment Management and Academic Affairs, to continue to gather specific data about the impact of textbook costs and student purchasing patterns.

This is a campus survey and is not being administered by the campus bookstore. Students who complete this survey will be eligible for a gift card. This survey will give us insight into how textbook costs affect students' education. The data collected from this survey will assist us in making informed decisions about how textbook costs affect students and their success. I ask that you encourage students to complete the survey; they can review instructions on how to complete the survey through the message sent to their campus email, by scanning barcodes on signage around campus, or by stopping by the survey table at Bengal Pause on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Campbell Student Union. 

This survey will open Monday, September 25, and close Friday, October 6. The survey can be completed online or during Bengal Pause in the Student Union. Please contact Student Affairs, (716) 878-4704, with questions.

Also appeared:
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Monday, October 2, 2023
