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From the Vice President for Enrollment Management

Posted: Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Internal Search: Staff Associate/ACE Program Director

Internal applications are being accepted for the following position on campus. This is an internal job posting open to employees of Buffalo State University who are currently paid from any state-appropriated-funds payroll.

Title: Staff Associate/ACE Program Director
Department: Enrollment Management, VP Office
Salary: Competitive
Negotiating Unit: UUP

Brief Job Description
Accelerate, Complete, and Engage (ACE) is a SUNY-wide retention initiative that is a comprehensive program designed to help students complete their academic journey to the bachelor’s degree by providing participants with a clearly mapped program of study, comprehensive academic advisement, and career support services. A press release from SUNY describing the systemwide initiative can be found on the SUNY website.

To lead this effort, the ACE program director, reporting to the interim assistant vice president for student success and retention, will be part of a dedicated team who will work cooperatively to launch this initiative and then directly manage program operations and personnel thereafter.

Essential Responsibilities
30% Develops and monitors a comprehensive program of academic advisement, career counseling, and other support and financial aid services for a designated cohort of ACE students.

15% Develops and implements strategies to improve retention and performance of ACE students in collaboration with ACE advisors and career and employment specialists.

15% Implements academic interventions and other initiatives to improve students’ performance and retention.

5% Evaluates program services and develops interventions for probation and at-risk students; makes recommendations to improve program offerings.

5% Oversees program’s budget and daily administration, including scheduling and timely delivery of services.

5% Establishes and maintains relationships with academic departments, including scheduling of ACE classes.

5% Oversees recruitment of new students, including coordination with other college offices.

5% Prepares reports for immediate supervisor, the Provost’s Office, Enrollment Management, and the SUNY Office of Academic Affairs and University ASAP Director (SUNY Central).

5% Serves on applicable steering groups and committees as determined.

5% Attends monthly meetings at the SUNY Central, and other periodic program-wide events.

5% Supervises dedicated ACE advisors, career services, and instructional and/or clerical staff.

To view the required qualifications and to apply, please view the posting on the Buffalo State Job Opportunities website.

The posting is open for consideration of internal candidates through Tuesday, October 31.
