Today's Message
Posted: Tuesday, November 14, 2023Bengal Buy Receivers
Receivers within Bengal Buy indicate to the Accounts Payable Department that an order placed for goods is in acceptable condition or the service performed was adequate. Within the system, this electronically and automatically matches the invoice with your receiver, giving us the “OK to Pay” or “goldenrod” of days old.
All orders within Bengal Buy must be received by the ordering department and must have a receiver created. It is the best practice to create a receiver within five business days of the goods being received or the services being performed. Receivers must also be created for software services. If an invoice was provided with the goods or services, you must attach the invoice to the receiver.
Please refer to further training on the Procurement Services website for guides on Entering a Receiver.
Please email Accounts Payable with questions or concerns.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Tuesday, November 28, 2023