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Posted: Friday, November 3, 2023

NYS Deferred Compensation Plan: Free Financial Webinars - November 10

The New York State Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSDCP) will host the following free educational webinars for all employees who wish to attend. The NYSDCP is a supplemental retirement plan, also known as a 457(b) plan, designed to help state and local public employees achieve their retirement savings goals and help bridge any potential financial gap in retirement. Employees may contribute to a 457(b) in place of or in addition to a 403(b) plan.


Countdown to Retirement
Friday, November 10
11:00 a.m.
This webinar discusses some important considerations for those planning for or contemplating retirement. The presentation will discuss longevity, income sources, asset consolidation, and withdrawals or required minimum distributions.
Please register for this workshop.


Friday, November 10
1:00 p.m.
This webinar will explain the benefits of enrolling and participating in the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan and how it can help you better prepare for and live in retirement. The presentation will include the basics of investing, investment options, and pre-tax contributions and an overview of the easy and secure online enrollment process.
Please register for this workshop.


You may also schedule an individual appointment online with Buffalo State's campus representative, Mark Wallace, if you are unable to attend the workshops or as a follow-up.

Submitted by: Sherry L. Wagner
Also appeared:
Monday, November 6, 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 2023