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Posted: Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Student Accessibility Services: Testing Resources and Process

As Student Accessibility Services (SAS) continues the implementation of Accommodate, the new disability accommodation management system, we would like to provide faculty members with the resources they need to learn to interact with the Testing Center component of the system.

All timed tests and quizzes administered within Brightspace can be accommodated within the course management system. Accommodated students do not use the SAS testing center for online testing. Please refer to the Knowledge Base article on using the accommodations tool to provide quiz or test accommodations to a student for more information on online testing.

All tests and quizzes administered at SAS will use the Accommodate portal.

  • Students who have submitted their “Letter of Accommodation” will have the option to schedule their tests through the system.
  • Faculty members will be notified when students make test appointments.
  • Faculty members may upload their tests to the portal at any time, even if the student has not made an appointment.
  • Completed tests will be uploaded to the portal and available for faculty to view and download.
  • Tutorials for uploading new exams and downloading completed exams are available on the SAS website.

Please encourage students to make their test seat reservations in advance to help faculty and SAS staff members provide them with the accommodations they need. 

Please feel free to contact SAS with questions.

Submitted by: Sumana Silverheels
Also appeared:
Monday, September 11, 2023
Wednesday, September 13, 2023