Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2008Message from the College Senate Chair
Senate Elections April 15–25
Four at-large and one University Faculty Senate position will become vacant on August 25. A call for nominations and information about candidates’ statements can be found on the College Senate Web site. Elections began Tuesday, April 15, and will continue through Friday,April 25. All individuals who received a recent letter regarding nominations for the College Senate elections are on a voting list of one of the units recognized by the College Senate and are eligible to vote in the elections. The electronic voting booth is accessible through the College Senate Web site.
If you have questions about your voting status, please contact Vince Masci, (716) 878-5139. We look forward to your participation in the vital process of campus governance.
Participate in the Forum: Number of Credits for Students on Probation
The Standards for Students Committee of the College Senate has set up an electronic forum for discussion of the number of credits students on probation should be eligible to take. Please view it and share your thoughts.