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Today's Message

Posted: Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 31 Deadline: Review Quarantined Items in Barracuda

The Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall appliances stopped functioning as of October 28, 2016, when the campus concluded its transition to Office 365. At that time, all incoming and outgoing mail ceased to pass through this spam-filtering system; however, Barracuda continued to capture and retain spam until the October cutoff date. Buffalo State employees are encouraged to sign in to Barracuda before Friday, March 31, to check for legitimate messages that were mistakenly quarantined and to review their whitelist/blacklist entries. E-mail addresses previously whitelisted or blacklisted in Barracuda were not automatically added to Office 365. Addresses previously whitelisted or blacklisted in Barracuda can be added to the safe or blocked sender lists using either the Outlook desktop client or Outlook web access. After the March deadline, Barracuda will be permanently removed from the campus network and will no longer be accessible to faculty and staff members.

Submitted by: Jason P Welborn
Also appeared:
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Monday, March 13, 2017