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Posted: Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lecture: Climate Change and Human Responsibility - December 15

Lynda Schneekloth, a landscape architect, professor emerita at the UB School of Architecture and Planning, and chair of the Sierra Club Niagara Group, will address the question “Why is it so difficult for humans to take action on behalf of ourselves and life on Earth?” on Tuesday, December 15, at 7:00 p.m. in Classroom Building A209.

Earth is undoubtedly undergoing a rapid and catastrophic change in climate caused primarily by human activity. We are moving toward an uninhabitable planet that will not be able to support life as we have known it since the dawn of the Holocene. Although the steps that need to be taken have been outlined, and at this point are still possible in order to avoid the most extreme projected changes, the international community has done little. The question of “why?” will be explored in the talk.

This presentation is part of the WNY Chapter of the American Meteorological Society’s fall 2015 seminar series, hosted by the Buffalo State Geography and Planning Department's meteorology and climatology program.

Submitted by: Stephen Vermette
Also appeared:
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015