Today's Message
Posted: Tuesday, September 11, 2018Information Security Awareness: Data Risk Classification Policy
Buffalo State's Data Risk Classification Policy states: "Buffalo State has classified its physical and electronic data into three risk-based categories for the purpose of determining who is allowed to access the information and what security precautions must be taken to protect it."
Please view the policy here: Data Risk Classification Policy. Review the guidelines to ensure that your electronic files are stored in an appropriate location, and be sure to avoid e-mailing information classified as "restricted" or "private."
A very helpful document, Guidelines for Storing and Transmitting College Data, provides a practical reference for determining where to store various types of campus data and which types of data can be safely e-mailed.
Any questions related to the policy or guidelines may be directed to Judi Basinski, associate vice president for data and analytics and chair of the Data Governance Committee.