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Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Information Security Awareness: Alert for All Buffalo State Account Holders

Please be aware that SUNY has advised us of a spear phishing campaign directed at Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC). There is every reason to believe that this phishing attempt will be replicated across SUNY institutions, including Buffalo State. Please be vigilant.

Information received about the e-mail to HVCC is outlined below, but it is likely that the attackers will tailor the language and topic to each institution.

The subject line in the e-mail to HVCC employees is “ACTION REQUIRED.” The e-mail, pretending to be from the president of HVCC, indicates that a policy has been revised at HVCC and supplies a link for recipients to download the new document. The link appears to be a legitimate HVCC web address. The e-mail uses HVCC branding logos and campus language and terminology (i.e., the sender has researched campus documents). The e-mail is well written, with none of the typographical or grammatical errors commonly seen in phishing e-mail. The information and topic are related to current events.

Remember, never click on links in e-mail. If you believe something is not right, forward the e-mail to and delete it. Call the office from which the e-mail appears to have been sent and ask if the e-mail is legitimate. 

Please review the RITE Phishing Resources page and remember to regularly check the Buffalo State RITE Alerts page.

Submitted by: Melissa J Miszkiewicz