Today's Message
Posted: Monday, November 5, 2018Health Insurance Opt-Out Program for UUP-Represented Employees Ending
The recently ratified collective bargaining agreement between NYS and UUP discontinued the Opt-Out Program under the New York State Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP) for UUP employees effective January 1, 2019. Therefore, the final 2018 opt-out reimbursement will be in the paycheck of December 12, 2018.
As noted in the Planning for Option Transfer mailing sent to employees' homes, participants who have been enrolled in the Opt-Out Program based on "other" employer-sponsored health insurance coverage need not take any action and may retain the other employer coverage. If, however, they wish to enroll in NYSHIP-sponsored coverage (Empire Plan or HMO), they will be required to complete the Health Insurance Transaction (PS-404) form (PFD 78 KB) and file it with the HR Benefits Office during the established Option Transfer Period that has yet to be determined. Undated PS-404 forms may be submitted to the Employee Benefits Office in Cleveland Hall 410 or by fax at (716) 878-3068.
Please note that employees who plan to retire in 2019 or thereafter and are eligible to receive retiree health insurance benefits will be required to be enrolled in NYSHIP just before their retirement date. Because this may require a 10-week waiting period (absent a qualifying event), employees may want to consider enrolling during the pending Option Transfer Period to avoid the extended waiting period.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018