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Posted: Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Great Lakes Faculty Scholars Program

The Great Lakes Center's mission is to improve the quality of the environment by providing the best possible science to decision-makers concerned with the health and sustainability of Great Lakes resources. This is accomplished, in part, through high-quality research and current graduate and undergraduate education.

To advance this mission, the GLC is pleased to present the Great Lakes Faculty Scholars Program. Under this program, the GLC will fund a course release for one semester to allow faculty members to have the time needed to bring an external grant to fruition. Faculty members interested in this program must show evidence of some preliminary groundwork toward a grant application on any topic relevant to the Great Lakes or its watershed, including urban environments adjacent or connected to the Great Lakes.

We seek to bolster collaborations between faculty members in any department at Buffalo State with faculty members affiliated with the GLC, or to further collaborations between BSU faculty members and colleagues at other institutions. Faculty members in the program may also receive one Huppuch Tuition Scholarship, if needed, to entice a prospective graduate student to help carry out the proposed research. Huppuch Tuition Scholarships cover all costs associated with full-time, in-state graduate tuition.

We will fund two faculty scholar awards per year. Application deadlines are as follows: Faculty members seeking a fall course release should submit an application by Monday, April 1, and those seeking a course release for spring 2025 should apply by Tuesday, October 1.

More information on the Great Lakes Faculty Scholars Program and application materials can be found on the GLC website.

Submitted by: Susan Dickinson
Also appeared:
Tuesday, March 12, 2024