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Posted: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Future Forward Think Tank on Affinity Groups: October 27

The Future Forward Committee and Future Forward Advisory Committee, which were established last spring to develop suggestions and opportunities for moving the university forward, are continuing their work this year through a think-tank forum. One of the themes that became evident through analysis of multiple forums with faculty, staff, and students was a need to focus on engagement as a factor in student retention. The committee presented its findings to Interim President Durand, received feedback and support, and worked together to determine next steps. The result was a desire to create more opportunities to positively and constructively involve faculty and staff members in problem solving. Therefore, the first Future Forward Think Tank will examine this question: How might we ensure that every Buffalo State student is connected to an affinity group? 

Affinity groups, simply defined, are groups of individuals who share a common purpose or interest. Within a university setting, affinity groups may be intentionally created to develop a sense of identity, be it around academic programs, Greek life, research teams, intramural sports or athletics, learning communities, clubs and organizations, and much more. Research continues to demonstrate that students who engage in affinity groups achieve greater academic success and sense of belonging (Alicea & Johnson, 2023; Peltier et al., 1999). Student persistence is linked to successful social integration in the campus community, and affinity groups provide pathways for students to become engaged based on their diverse identities (Museus & Quaye, 2009). 

This first Future Forward Think Tank will explore the affinity groups that already exist on Buffalo State’s campus, as well as what opportunities exist to develop new affinity groups based on the diverse identities of our students. Opportunities and insights will be shared with the interim president for further consideration. 

If you would like to be a part of this conversation, please join us for coffee and a conversation on Friday, October 27, at 10:00 a.m. in the Campbell Student Union Assembly Hall. RSVP online.

Submitted by: Amy B. Wilson
Also appeared:
Monday, October 16, 2023
Monday, October 23, 2023