Today's Message
Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 2017Faculty Discussion on Online Teaching: March 2
Please join Carol DeNysschen, chair and associate professor of health, nutrition, and dietetics; and Uma Gupta, professor of business, recipients of the 2016 Open SUNY Online Teaching Ambassadors Program, in a conversation about the successes they have had teaching online on Thursday, March 2, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Butler Library 181B. Dr. DeNysschen will share strategies to successfully stimulate student interest and engagement in an online environment. Dr. Gupta will discuss the demands and high level of commitment to different kinds of learners and the willingness of the instructor to be a continuous learner and embrace technology. There will also be time for those who attend to ask questions and share their expertise of online learning.
Please register through the Workshop Registration System.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017