Today's Message
Posted: Tuesday, March 3, 2020Electronic Course Evaluations: EvaluationKIT Administrator Training
Training sessions for current and new EvaluationKIT administrators begin this week. EvaluationKIT is the official campus electronic course evaluation system that provides greater efficiency for the deployment, collection, and analysis of course evaluations across the institution. It is designed to streamline the entire student feedback process for our campus.
As of fall 2019, all academic departments have implemented EvaluationKIT, and each department should have a designated EvaluationKIT administrator (EKAdmin) to assist with the coordination of evaluations and to assist faculty members in retrieving reports.
Please register for a training session through the Workshop Registration System, and please contact Tiffany Fuzak, research analyst in the Institutional Effectiveness Office, 878-4132, with questions about your department's designated EKAdmin or to appoint a new EKAdmin.